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Rules Clarifications and Updates

2013-2015 Official Rules and Case Book

Official Rules and Case Book app Ringette Canada has developed an app for its rules and casebook.
The application allows users to search specific rules or officiating signals. It is currently available on iOS and Android only for an introductory price of 0.99$ until September 2014.


Actively Checking (2014)
Several questions regarding the mechanics of the new rules were brought up this season. Ringette Canada has provided clarification to the questions.
Actively Checking Memo


Move it or Lose it Information and Areas of Emphasis (2014)

Please click on the link below to view a video describing the new Move it or Lose it rule in Ringette: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3wSJiBO-SRY

2014 Emphasis on Move it or Lose it Rule Memo

Ringette Stick/Stickers Information (2014)

Ringette Stick Memo